Oct 30, 2011


We decided it would be fun to go to the second largest aquarium for Columbus Day, since Dustin had a few days off for the weekend. It was fun to watch my two boys enjoy touching some sea stars and "cucumber" sea things.  Caleb seems to enjoy having his Daddy around! 

Caleb enjoyed watching all the fish swim around and seeing all their different colors.

I just though these were pretty fish swimming around. Caleb kept telling me, " Look mom, those are pink fish, look! They're beautiful!" I think he learn this word somewhat recently because he likes to say it quite a bit.  Anything that looks cute he calls out, "It's beautiful." It's so funny to hear him! He also liked looking at the "Nemo and Dory."
It was awesome to see some of these creatures.  Huge whales harks, turtles, lobsters, crabs, and stingrays. Caleb remembered the whale sharks from the Diego show.

Caleb was a little hesitant about getting this close to this octopus.  I thought it was very cool how Okinawans let their imagination go.
It was a rainy day but during the time we were there it didn't rain until we were almost done with our tour.  It was a great day to be out and about. Rain but not cold! As we were going to the dolphin show we went down this path and it had a beautiful view!
Just a sneak pick of the dolphin show we saw.

Everywhere you go you will see the Shi Sha dogs.  I liked the display so I thought of one last picture with my son.

Naha - Tug of War

It was an awesome experience to go the the Tug-of-War in down town Naha. Just a little history on what this tug-of-war is about: " The tug-of-war in Asia stretches back almost two thousand years.  During the year 71 AD in China, it is said that a tugging contest was held to decide which religion - Buddhism or Taoism -  was superior."(Okinawa Living, October 2011) This event is in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the biggest tug-of-war. It was calculated that more than 250,000 people were there that day - and we were in the middle of it! On the first picture you can see how thick and huge this rope is! After  30 minutes of pulling  people can start cutting pieces of this rope to take home and it's suppose to bring good luck.  And as you can see from the last picture Dustin cut a few pieces and Caleb was so excited to get a piece of it! Personally it was an awesome experience to be there, since it's only done once a year.

En Octubre tuvimos la oportunidad de ir a un "Tug-of-War" en la ciudad de Naha en Okinawa. Un poquito de hitoria acerca de este evento. De acuerdo con la revista Okinawa Living, "El evento (Tug-of-War) tiene historia de casi dos mil anos atras. Durante el ano 71 AD en China, se dice que hacia un concurso de empujar este tipo de lazo para cual religion - Budista o Taoismo - era superior. (Octubre 2011) Este evento esta escrito en el libro de Guinness World Records por ser un evento grandisimo con mucha gente que asiste. Ese dia fue calculado que mas de 250,000 personas estuvieron ahi - y nosotros estuvimos en medio de todo eso! En la primera foto se puede ver que tan grande y grueso este lazo es! Despues de 30 minutos de estar empujando este lazo, las personas empiezan a cortar pedazos de esto para llevar con uno y se supone que trae buena suerte. Como pueden ver en la ultima foto Dustin corto algunos pedazos y Caleb estuvo tan feliz de tener un pedazo! Para mi fue una experiencia increĆ­ble poder estar ahi, ya que solo hacen este evento un vez al ano.

Dustin pulling on the rope for 30 mins and TONS of people!
Dustin empujando el lazo por 30 minutos y un MONTON de personas haciendo lo mismo!